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AI & Blockchain Are Ushering In A New Fintech Paradigm

Matthew James Low, Head of Special Projects

31 March 2023

 Figure 1: Developer Tools 2.0 by Sequoia Capital
Figure 1: Developer Tools 2.0 by Sequoia Capital

In the not-too-distant past, the software development landscape was characterised by monolithic applications, manual processes and hierarchical decision-making. Fast forward to today, and we are witnessing a tectonic shift that is altering the very fabric of how software is developed and maintained. This seismic change is brought about by two intertwined forces: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. Together, these forces are ushering in a new era of software development and Devtools2.0, giving rise to an interconnected, intelligent and decentralised ecosystem.

The advent of AI has forever changed the way software is created, tested and deployed. Machine learning algorithms, natural language processing and data analytics now empower developers to automate repetitive tasks, identify bugs more efficiently and enhance code quality. AI-driven Devtools2.0 will be pivotal in not only reducing human error, but also in augmenting the capabilities of developers, allowing them to focus on higher-order tasks like architectural decisions and user experience design.

Further, this future of software development and Devtools2.0 will have a significant impact on the Fintech industry, especially in the realms of private credit and lending. By harnessing the power of AI, blockchain and even Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), there can be an anticipated transformation in the way financial institutions manage risk, assess creditworthiness and streamline loan origination processes.

Figure 2: MidJourney AI
Figure 2: MidJourney AI

The credit and lending market is a complex and dynamic ecosystem with millions of transactions taking place every day. From credit card applications to mortgage loans, lenders are constantly making decisions that can have a significant impact on their customers' financial lives. However, the traditional methods used to analyse creditworthiness and manage risk are becoming increasingly outdated. That is where AI comes in. AI-driven tools can help identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity or imminent default, allowing financial institutions to take proactive measures to mitigate potential losses. Consequently, private credit and lending markets will become more efficient and accessible to a wider range of borrowers.

Fasanara Capital, has recognised the potential of emerging technologies such as generative AI and blockchain to drive innovation in the credit and lending industry, as well as adopt and apply these technologies to its $4 billion assets under management firm, including alternative credit strategies, in order to retain its position as a pioneer in the private credit industry, staying ahead of the curve and maximising returns for its investors in a rapidly evolving financial landscape. Below are just some of the fintech use cases specific to the credit and lending landscape that Fasanara have identified to be the most impacted by AI and blockchain:

Generative AI

  • Enhanced Credit Scoring: Generative AI models can analyse vast amounts of structured and unstructured data to generate more accurate credit scores. By considering non-traditional factors, such as social media profiles, transaction history, and other behavioural data, AI can provide a more comprehensive assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness.

  • Personalised Loan Products: Using generative AI, fintech companies can create customised loan products tailored to individual borrowers' needs and risk profiles. This level of personalisation helps lenders better serve a diverse range of customers across jurisdictions, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Automated Underwriting: AI-driven algorithms can expedite the underwriting process by automating data collection, risk assessment, and decision-making. This not only reduces manual errors and human bias, but also shortens loan processing times, leading to faster loan disbursements.

  • Fraud Detection and Prevention: Generative AI models can identify patterns indicative of fraud or other malicious activities. By detecting anomalies in real-time, lenders can take proactive measures to minimise potential losses.


  • Decentralised and Secure Infrastructure: Blockchain technology can create a decentralised, transparent, and tamper-proof infrastructure for the credit and lending industry. This ensures that all transactions and credit-related data are securely stored and protected against unauthorised access or manipulation.

  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts enable the automation of various processes, such as loan origination, disbursement, and repayment. By using blockchain-based smart contracts, fintech companies can reduce manual interventions, minimise errors, and enhance the overall efficiency of lending operations.

  • Tokenisation of Assets: Blockchain can facilitate the tokenisation of assets, such as real estate or other illiquid assets, making them available as collateral for loans. This expands the pool of available collateral options, thus increasing borrowing opportunities for potential customers.

  • Cross-Border Transactions: Blockchain technology simplifies cross-border transactions by reducing the need for intermediaries, lowering transaction fees, and shortening settlement times. This can help fintech companies expand their lending services globally, providing access to credit for borrowers in different countries and regions.

From just the recent news cycle, it is easy to witness how the confluence of AI and blockchain is rewriting the script for the future of developer tooling and fintech's credit and lending landscape. As we stand at the precipice of this brave new world, we can discern the outlines of an interconnected, intelligent and decentralised ecosystem taking shape. The metamorphosis of software development and Devtools2.0, catalysed by AI, will redefine the way we create, test and deploy code, while the fusion of blockchain technology will underpin a more secure and transparent infrastructure.

In the realm of fintech, private credit, and lending, the transformative synergy of AI and blockchain holds the promise of a more efficient, personalised and accessible financial landscape. As the curtain rises on this new era, we can expect to see a proliferation of AI-driven risk management, credit scoring and fraud detection, all seamlessly integrated with blockchain's decentralised architecture and smart contract capabilities. This powerful alliance will usher in a paradigm shift, revolutionising the way we access and deliver financial services.

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